small steps are rewarding...
aaah so yes, the picture there is rather weird... it's the poster from the movie (of the book) animal farm... the reason i put it up is that today i felt myself continually feeling like i was the horse. (remember the whole "i WILL work harder... i WILL work harder" bit? yeeaah that's me) so in a tribute to horsey, there it is.
today was a really productive day. meetings with professors, minor breakthroughs on papers, successful day at practice (more or less :P ), FINALLY emailed barrett (yay!), and generally just in a wonderful mood.
i'm realizing more and more the value of the un-normal... the "outside the box" world that i feel i inhabit. it's fun to just admit to yourself, that hmmm... you definately AREN'T the normal definition of normal. (basically this epiphany came during dinner while i was talking with shelly-bean, naberaide, and nish about how i find peeing in the pool to be extremely difficult. apparently, i'm the only one) were i to have a laugh-quotient for each day, that one 5minute conversation would've exceeded it. i love them. :)
other successes today: wrote a sonnet (well the first stanza of one anyway), submitted 26 pages of writing (actually yesterday, but i'm still basking in the glory of being done with those 26 pages), realized how much i love reading in autumn light... so nice... practiced my violin. these are all small things, but if i can be as happy as i am now by accomplishing these seemingly minor things, i'll take it! :)
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