Friday, December 16, 2005


so no picture today. right right. 9:30ish pm on friday. things are moving along, and i don't see how. haha. today klingle's paper was due... oooh painful, that was! i'm actually sort of bitter. i've been working on that smelly paper all semester, quite literally. and it came down to my submitting a blech not happy paper at 4:58pm when it was due at 5:00pm. it's just sad when you know it's not good, and yet... you just have to turn it in. anywho. klingle's a tough grader, so i'm not holding my breath for a sunshiney grade in that class. too bad, i really enjoyed it!
anyway, so i'm sitting in the cafe, type-typing my law final. that's not progressing so much, but what can one do. all i know is that it has to be done before 6:30am, because it's due at 9 and i won't be here to submit it. whoa. so chuck called me a few days ago to remind me that the annual christmas bird count was on the 17th, and for obvious reasons (like i love birds, and would hate myself if i didn't go) i said yes. haha. well... now the 17th is tomorrow, and i have this law final due. yikes. not quite what i'd been hoping for. in terms of time management/allotting the proper amount of time for things... i suck.
but that will be fun - there should be some sweet ducks left over, maybe an eagle, a dunlin or two. we'll see! shoot. i just remembered that i don't have binoculars. ooh pickles. haha it was funny, i asked chuck what i should bring and the first thing he said was "a lunch." that's funny only because chuck is the sweetest little old man and everyday on kent island he would pack a hobbit-esque wooden basket with sustenance for petrel path. chuck's awesome.
11 days till jchen's 22nd birthday! it's amazing how time flies. all i can say is i'm reaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly excited to see her in 3 days!


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