another six months...
hallo from budapest! another six months have gone by. holy cow! i don't know how i've found myself here again, but i think i have to credit a few wonderful people who live somewhere in jp/boston... anyway, long story short i started reading the blog of one of bartender-friend (house mate of nerdling...) and i was reminded exactly how much i loved writing about everything and nothing. how refreshing! (good that i came to that conclusion from homan's blog, right? refreshing/bartender = good outcome!) hehe. i was SHOCKED to see i haven't written since june! maybe it got deleted somehow? nope. haha. just haven't written. well, self (my only definite reader)... i'm writing again for your sake!
currently listening to smashing pumpkins "tonight tonight" on the cd nerdling gave me. i love it! "the urgency of tonight" if that doesn't make you want to clean your room, wash the dishes, save the planet (write in a long-forgotten blog!), i don't know what does! on the theme of blogs, i've given up on my other blog (that more permanently than this one)... tuesdaydinners was an experiment in joint blogging with gravling, but that failed i think because it became one-side. i kept writing and writing, and you can't chase down your blogging buddy to make entries, you know? it wasn't fun to have a joint blog that had only one person's entries. oh well. i was talking to papa-san recently, and he suggested that i make this blog into both a randomness blog and food-related. that's an idea... anywho, before i get ahead of my self i just need to get back in the habit of typing. i realize this doesn't hold much interest for anyone who doesn't know me, and even for those who do it might be a bit too random. for my own entertainment, and perhaps for other people's procrastination, i'm giving this another shot. :-)
one random comment before this ends, i'm in budapest... whoopdedoo. real point of that comment is that blogger automatically converts everything into hungarian now! isn't that interesting? i'm terribly fascinated by the internet. it knows me too too well... almost creepy. maybe one day ivan-i-dawg can explain it all to me... until then, i will conclude with a thought of ada-nerd who just visited me here in budapest. upon arrival we got on the topic of immortality (how? noooo idea!) she said, (to paraphrase) with the internet you can almost make yourself feel immortal. you can even make it so notices are sent out after you die... so i found that creepy, and that's absolutely not the point of this blog. but with that in mind i started thinking about what this blog means to me. for some time over two years now, i've controlled (to some tiny extent) this territory of the internet universe. everything i wrote then i can read now. not quite immortality, but amazing nonetheless. when i started this around thanksgiving junior year, i was inspired by a new friend (now old friend... old to the point that prompt response to emails seems negligible... on their part... hehe.) though my inspirations to continue have changed, its nice to be able to read a snippet of my own thought-history. wouldn't it be awesome if we could all have a more complete thought-history!?!? until next time... (hopefully not six months from now!) mental hugs to all, and to all a happy almost-december!