aaaah! it's neville the gnome! as i was going about my usual thursday duties (sleeping, having breakfast with utz, reading, sleeping, etc. etc.) i realized that i REALLY miss my gnome! :( but... i know that he's being a wonderful gnome by taking care of kruiky's room for her. still, there's a wee bit of my heart missing. i can't come home from classes and say hello... i can't ask mr mokus (the squirrel) how he's doing... oy vey.
i guess today there were three overarching themes:
1) how i'm exhausted.
2) how much i miss neville/mr. mokus
3) how much i dislike vronsky
anywho, this is the extent for today. bowling was fun (monica and i beat all three guys...sweeet), reading in bed will be even better! tomorrow i'm looking forward to: euchre, lunch w/cassia and katie to discuss the first section of a loovely book, getting to work on papers, etc. and *hopefully* getting to bed early!
ooh lastly before bed, i have to say that early this morning there was a smell in the air which reminded me so thoroughly of mezoszemere that i nearly got confused about what country i was in. i miss my mama, i miss nagyie, morzsi, everything. ach.
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