Wednesday, November 23, 2005

slartibartfast and little dogs...

it's snowing!!! it makes me soo happy! i woke up this morning, looked out the window and internally jumped for joy. i would've externally jumped as well, but i can't exactly. haha that's a different story though. while i won't be such a fan of snow come april, i am always extremely excited when it first starts. these last few days have been sort of dull, weather wise. huge raindrops (which i am a fan of) but also far too blah. now that the leaves are gone, campus looks a little sterile. the first thing that comes to my mind is the inside of a concrete parking garage. even though the cars inside might look nice, everything looks a little drab because of the surroundings. oh well, it'll pass.

today i got up far too late. 11am. i still have two papers to write, but such is life. :) i read something really interesting today - have you ever wondered about how to sew on a button so that it is not too tight and not too loose? well i came across this really cool blog by a tailor in england... ... amazing. if you need something to read to procrastinate, read it.

random thoughts: 1) i had a dream last night in which i realized what i want to give papa and noonie for christmas. that made me really happy... 2) each day on my way home from practice, i meet a little mottled dog with no tail. we hang out for a few minutes, and then i keep walking home. i always wondered why the dog is always in the same place every day. well, i saw this sign and now it all makes sense. pretty amazing eh? invisible fences... 3) i miss my family, and i miss my friends, but i love them, so all is well :)

to conclude, a little bit of the bbc version of hitchhiker's guide... a good friend of mine talking a bit about hibernating... something i'd reaaaaaallly like to do!

"dead? no, we have but slept. yes, through the economic recession you see. well five million years ago the galactic economy collapsed, and seeing as custom built planets are something of a luxury commodity... you know we build planets, do you? fascinating trade... doing coastlines was always my favorite, used to have endless fun doing all the little fidley bits and fjords... anyway, the recession came, and we decided to sleep through it..."

paper and to bed early. wheeeee!


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