Friday, January 13, 2006

rain rain go away

umm so... it's raining...still. :) i think this is day 23 or so. i've lost track. holy crap, i just realized today is friday the 13th. i don't really believe that sort of thing, but it surprised me when i looked at the calendar. ooh what society ingrains in our noggins! last night hanging out with armband and aaron we discussed whether girls who liked tall chunky men did so out of biological preference or social constructed ideals. it was interesting. it seems like only yesterday we were all being nerdly high school friends, and nothing has really changed. as ivy always says, prolly the best i know. i only wish graham had come to bowdoin. that would've been awesome. hehe.

so weather report rain. extended forecast rain. my parents come home monday, and i have a bunch of cleaning to do. :) woot. among the i think six books i'm reading right now, i'm reading betty friedan's the feminine mystique. i don't know what i think of my current housewifeyness. armband and i talked about post-college life decisions a bit (i don't know how he was coherent, 16 hour time change and minimal sleep hehe) i've never really thought about the fact that you DO have to decide your own philosophy at some point. anywho, that's fodder for a different day's writing. class starts in 10 days, and i still need another class. all the ones i want to take are either during times i already have class or are full. i'm excited to get back though, reading has been fun but i'm ready for live people...settling in to O, cooking for/with friends, seeing certain people, euchre! learning about the mexican revolution. oh i'm excited!

ps i watched a film last night - sort of an alternate schindler's list, called "good evening mr wallenberg". really, watch it. it's in about four languages, german mostly, hungarian, swedish, and bits of english. arg. i think it was especially powerful for me because most of it is set in budapest, and the buildings look exactly the same, obviously, the hungarian is exactly the same. really surreal. if anyone has movie suggestions, tell me! i'm taking advantage of scarecrow here :) movies are wonderful.


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