stressed...sleep...some time...
soo, i haven't written in a few days. it's probably a good thing. i've been working on zillions of papers and stuff. the work is stressing me out, but haha it's nothing new. i talked to armand a few days ago - one of i think three times this semester - and when i told him i was bogged down with work he goes "ooh flavia...same old flavia" then a few hours later, talking with evan about stress and such, "flavia, some things never change." i'd like to imagine that i've done a better job this semester managing work/stress and such, but geez. one month before the end of the semester and all i want for christmas is SLEEEEEEP.
today's posting is inspired by a conversation i had with ruth about an hour ago. we have come to the agreement that the union GREATLY lacks floor lamps. to that end, we're contemplating starting a "we would really like some floor lamps, please" coalition. no wonder people constantly pass out on the comfy chairs... it's not the chairs... or the lack of sleep (well maybe that)... it's the LACK OF LIGHT! oy vey. it's all politics, i'm telling you. we pay how much to go here??? haha i'm really joking (about being peeved. i would like the lights though) anywho.
riight so stress. i'm currently in the process of not going to my second class (terrible, yes.) because i have two papers and a take home quiz due today and i'm not done. yikes. well the quiz is done, and one of the papers is moderately ok. but the other one...oh dear. i'm really behind in life at the moment. but i feel like an ass for complaining. :)
ok... time for things that make me happy/ i am doing this weekend: kermit (falls in category I, not II), making gingerbread houses (this saturday!!! yay!!!), umm... contra dancing (friday...y'all should come...OLC 8pm i think), dance show hopefully, weekly euchre (God bless all people who play quasi-mindless card games that make me soo happy AAAND remind me of kent island), umm reading polar express about 10 times per day, hopefully hanging out with my wonderful and yet miserable friend who life and gravel apparently have a grudge against (but if he gargled he'd be ok...that's my hypothesis, anyway), doing work and hopefully de-stressing.
standing in the way between me and my weekend: 2 klingle papers, a meeting to get all prepared for our enviro law trial (haha i'm a lawyer and an out), a waaay too early meeting friday morning about environmental education, my stupid (at the moment) history of colonial boston meeting places paper...blah. and probably a bunch of other stuff.
to end on a depressing marvin note (because marvin is the solitary friend in misery to every stressed out kid who knows about HHG...)
"do you want me to sit in the corner and rust, or just fall apart where i'm standing?"