this can't be good
today has gone a bit downhill. i can't swallow, my ear hurts, and i still have three hours of class tonight to make it through. mr ben and j (i'm not changing that, even though i now recognize that it looks like ben and jerry) thoroughly made fun of me at lunch for not being able to hear anything. right right, well i think it's not nearly as funny now. arg i hate being sick. this really came out of nowhere - i just woke up this morning feeling sick, and it's decided to persist. ho well.
random moment from class to relate: this morning in gov, we were discussing collective action problems and how concrete public goods are. i've been writing down quotes of digiusto, because he is possibly the most wonderful professor one could have at 8:30 in the morning. today's top quote: "it's not all about who provides the yoyos." (yoyos being a very physical public good.) or at least i think they're a public good. i don't know of anyone who is angered by the sight of a yoyo. anywho. yoyos seem to be popping up everywhere in my life lately. it is a sign, i think. a couple days ago, i was walking to little dog and a mum and her son were walking in the other direction out of the red dragon toy shop (i think that's what its called). anywho, he was frantically ripping the plastic container off of his new yoyo and it made me smile. i remember doing a similar thing after leaving elliot bay bookstore with my brand new klutz yoyo book (and yoyo, don't worry). i ran into yoyos and happiness again when i randomly turned on the tv. it was the tv show monk (which i find hilarious and neurotic...just wonderful) anywho, one of the characters had an anger problem and his therapist gave him a yoyo to use as a happifying (technical term) device. anywho. i think its awesome.
classes are classes are classes. i want to sleep, not be sick, and just read (for class haha) jordan asked me today how late i stayed up, and it was unacceptably late. when i told him i was reading, he snidely remarked that "it was probably from a book you don't need to read." thanks bro. haha. actually last night was all about gov reading with waaay too much econ in it that i had no idea about. it took 3 solid days of reading to do the 80 pages. oy vey. tonight's class will be fun too, if i can only stay awake/hear the class/not cough the whole way through.
i wish you could get good pho in maine...alas...not.