Wednesday, February 01, 2006

f e b r u a r y !

happy february :) the month of wasted paper cards and kids eating too much heart-shaped candy. oy vey. i'm just kidding. i love february.

my 02.01.06 got off to an interesting start. i went to bed last night exhausted and feeling blah, but i set my alarm thinking that i'd go to ornithology this morning. i woke up at 8:30 feeling even more blah and decided instead just to keep sleeping. so four more hours later, i woke up again entirely scared that i'd slept through es lab. what's more interesting was how i woke up. i'd forgotten to set my alarm the second time, but i had a terrible dream that (luckily?) got me up for class. in this dream, the us was overtaken by a plethora of camels (the one hump variety) and no one knew what to do. suddenly there was a huge flood, and i remember all these camels floundering under a bridge trying to get out of the water. the police decided that the best thing to do would be to taser them, so i woke up dreaming about electrocuted camels under some pretty little stone bridge. definitely one of those dreams you only get when you're not feeling well. arg.

anywho, lab was really long and not particularly fun. holly and i hung out for a bit, and now i'm off to bed. yes it's 7pm, but nothing sounds better right now than being cozy under way too many layers of clothing, comforters, fleece blankets, toasted rice equivalents of hot water bottles ooh, and socks. yay. (my mum says that if you sleep with socks on, you won't get married. i dont know about that, but being warm is really my primary mission in life) i hope tomorrow is better.

thing i'm currently most bummed about: mike invited me to an accordian concert in portland tonight, and i think it would've been wonderful. :( such is life.


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