disconnected thought confetti
that's what i feel my brain is made of right now. luckily for me, it's multicolored thought confetti, but still it's flying around in a pseudo-cyclone-esque manner and i'm standing underneath it (thank goodness my brain is still in my head, on top of my neck, shoulders, knees, AND toes...) trying to collect all the pieces and put them back in the confetti bottle (or whatever confetti is stored in).
i'm sitting in the union (as always) reading some crazy story entitled "let the dead bury their dead," by randall kenan. it too is sort of like this whole confetti thing - there is one main story, but it is told through journal entries, dialogue, made-up footnotes. it is nuts. i'm also overloaded with this because i haven't read for english in over a week and i have class tomorrow. woot.
time for other news: i have been the most uninspired lump of student possibly in all north america this week. the weather has been AMAZING and i spend hours "doing work" but nothing seems to get done. sooo i took a break on friday and read for fun - peter nadas' "a book of memories" - pretty amazing so far. friday euchre is about as good as hot soup, which is just nearly perfection. so i was in a good mood (if a little scattered. i'm also on a streak of indecisiveness. that's not fun.) gravling and i did laundry and anti-tasked pretty much all afternoon (cookie baking & random reading =heaven)i need to write about saturday another day when i have more time - sufficed to say the helmet party was glorious, as were hearing katherine play at coffeehouse and holly's tofu/chickpea dinner.
anywho it's after midnight and i still need to read melville, write my application for this summer and study gov so this is the end for now.
ps this afternoon i agreed to going on an adventure avec j and his best friend ross. despite being told that we would be killing birds (or at least seeing dead birds??) there were no such things involved. infact we went to lands end (where i have never been before) and it was too beautiful for words. i only wish i'd known to bring binoculars and proper shoes... the sky was entirely blue, it wasn't cold at all, and the maine coast was all that one imagines from the maine coast... lobster traps and buoys...oodles of birds. ach. it was awesome.
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