Friday, February 24, 2006!

it's been a while since my last adventure type-typing, and there've been no shortages of things to write about - only a shortage of time. all my anti-tasking is evidently catching up with me :-P today has been an awesome friday, and being that i'm not too far behind in my work, a good day to write.

waking up hasn't been going well lately. i set my alarm and routinely sleep through it. if i don't set an alarm, i just sleep all day. sometimes though, if i set two or three alarms in sequence, i can wake up. thursday for example, i slept through two out of three classes. today i got up at 9:30 instead of 8:30 - and that only because nugget's loudspeaker of an alarm made me bolt out of bed to switch it off for her. (sort of dangerous eh? me switching her alarm off? we could potentially BOTH sleep through the day...) but anywho, 9:30 was fine and i worked for a couple hours till lunch with my brilliant little older sisters hday and erica. we went togetherish to see salman rushdie (thus the little picture there hehe) and he was AWESOME. when i told graham that rushdie was coming to bowdoin he sounded rather disinterested, having already seen him three times. for those of us not quite as lucky as grahammy, one time was quite amazing. i have to admit that i've never read his books, and didn't think too highly of the model/actress wife bit, but seriously i guess judging books by their covers was never a highly regarded occupation. he spoke about family (craziness and all), expanding the universe - just a little bit, split infinitives and star trek (though briefly. i jumped for joy!), national security, our pres. and "duck" cheney, oh it was awesome. i hadn't intended on getting a book signed (because i didn't own any of his, and because i really belonged at the library during that time) but as soon as the Q&A ended, erica and I ran (very literally RAN) to moulton to get in line (well, that wasn't the first priority for erica, but it was up there). we ended up 1st (erica) and 3rd (me) in line. haha we must've looked desperate! but it worked, and i'm elated.

so school is going splendifically - more or less. i'm a bit overwhelmed with work, and i have midterms this next week. papers, oodles of reading, and darn lab reports that absolutely SUCK the life out of me. gah. but in terms of the flavi-happiness meter, things are good. the weather has been unseasonably dry (but cold) but that makes it pretty wonderful to go running after class. i'm hoping for some snow though, because megan and i intend to go xc skiing during lunch this week, but it's difficult without the snow! i've been a bit antisocial lately - a result of those evil lab reports and reading, but the time i do spend with friends makes me really happy. nugget and hal are amazing as always - and many an hour of olympics have distracted us from work. i'm basically an expert at judging ski racing (nugget can testify) and i'm actually beginning to enjoy curling. :) so i guess aside from hanging out more with kruiky (who i've seen surprisingly little of, despite being in the same town again after 8 months. :( boo.) the thing i most need right now is more sleep! haha. right.

back to reading about the mexican revolution now (next post i have to write about my paper topic - corridos - absolutely AMAZING. gah i love allen wells!) i've really gotten sucked into mexican history, which surprises me a little because i've always preferred us/european history to latin america. i really attribute this to the professor. he is awesome.

but i will keep this lack-of-a-blog in mind, and hopefully i'll write again soon. so stop stressing ivanna (hehe) i do exist, again.


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